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Experience Living Encounters With Jesus... EVERY SINGLE DAY IN PRAYER!

Experience Living Encounters With Jesus...

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Audio version narrated
by Terri Copeland Pearsons!

“Communicating with the Lord in prayer is exciting, challenging, full of purpose and very rewarding. It is an encounter with Him.

Encounter God In a Living and Personal Way

In this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons shares her journey to a life of prayer. The lessons she learned sitting at her grandmother’s feet impacted her forever —shaping her ministry and allowing her to encounter God in a personal and continual way. In the pages of this book, Pastor Terri shares practical teaching and inspiring stories that will lead you into closer fellowship with God and the kinds of daily encounters with Him your heart craves.


  • Keys to go from a dry, lifeless prayer life to one filled with daily encounters with God
  • How to experience more life-changing moments in prayer
  • The real purpose in prayer —it’s about more than simply getting a particular result
  • The two sides of prayer and how to balance them
  • How to have a living relationship with the Lord
  • Different ways to pray and praise that will unlock the presence and power of God
  • How to wait on the Lord, watch for Him and locate His presence
  • And so much more!

"My deepest desire is that for every reader, the spirit of prayer is both taught and caught."

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Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons

Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons

Terri Copeland Pearsons is the eldest daughter of internationally known minister Kenneth Copeland, who first discovered the adventures of prayer as a little girl praying at her grandmother’s side. Drawing on that rich heritage of faith, she connects people with the living presence of God, teaching them who they are in Christ Jesus and how to pray from that position.

Terri and her husband George Pearsons, serve as Senior Pastors of Eagle Mountain International Church at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, where they have pastored since 1993. Receiving a leadership mandate from Brother Copeland in January 2017, Pastor Terri serves as KCM’s Chief Visionary Officer, alongside the ministry’s Chief Executive Officer, Pastor George. They have an international commission that takes them all over the world.

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